Sunday, April 25, 2010

People and their opinions

One thing that has been on my mind lately is how people state their opinion as fact and then back it up with "well that's just my opinion" as if that settles it or something. Case closed, I have stated my opinion, which is mightier that yours so I win. No facts to back up their opinion, or experiences to speak of, nothing. Just a "well it says it in the bible" or "that's what my pastor told me" cool. I am actually cool with that. Just do me a favor first, LOOK IT UP FOR YOURSELF. People can say anything they want, and just because someone you trust told you something doesn't mean it's true. I'm not trying to bitch, I'm just blowing off steam, mainly because if someone wants to discuss something with me, they could at least have a general idea of what they are talking about. That would be nice.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Last Year

Well It's been forever since I've been here and done anything so lets first get caught up. In the last year, Holly and I have conceived a child (due in 10 days!!) No, we don't know the sex of the baby, and for that most of our family are pretty upset at us! Apperently now that we have the technology to find out everything about our child before it's born, its a crime not to. Well I say tosh! 100 Years ago people never found out what they were having and everyone turned out fine(well not everyone, but a large portion of people did) so we took a leaf out of their book and are waiting, though I have to say that the waiting is killing me, I'm very excited for this addition to our family!! The pregnancy has been fairly kind to Holly, as far a pregnancies go, that is not to say it had been easy for her, but we have not had a pregnancy wrought with complications; which has been a blessing!

I've been very busy musically, I've been in 4 bands in the last year. Kong, Sunset Superman, Wildfire, and my new group Monkey Wrench! Some bands were just month or two long fill ins, and others were bands that got started only to run out of gas, so to speak. Though I'm very excited about Monkey Wrench, as it has hit the ground running and shows no signs of stopping! You can check us out if you like, I know you won't be disapionted!!

Johnson Outdoors shut it doors and shipped everything off to the east coast, so for the first time in ten year I found myself looking for a job, which; needless to say is pretty stressful when you have a child on the way and have never even typed up a resume(I got the job at Johnson at 19 when I pop ed my head in the office door and said "Hey I heard you might be hiring") but fate has a way of turning crap into gold sometimes. After two weeks on unemployment, a family friend got me in touch with the right people at Hardware Sales in the Internet division! I love it!! They say it's all about who you know! Of course that is not to say I'm incompetent at my job.

That's all for now, as NCIS in on and I'm for some reason wondering why I've never watched the show before, so I'm gonna get off the computer and watch some boob tube.

thanks for reading my ramblings, and the next few posts should have some more humor in them, not today though as I left my sense of humor at work.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The next president??

I have to say, I am very disapionted with the presidental debates. In this turbulent time when many americans only question is "how are we going to make america great again?"; our presidental canidates are doing nothing but trying to discredit each other, and I don't care. The reason I don't care is that I know that as politicians these two men are liars by nature, in fact politician is just a greek word for "liar". So of course they have both acted, voted, or behaved in some way that is going to upset one person or another.

As far as I'm concerned anyone who believes what the opposition says about either canadate is an idiot anyway. If I hated a person.....actually I really can't stand jack black so lets use him as an example. Now knowing that I don't like jack black would anyone on this planet believe me if I said he has a dog fighting ring in his basement. OF COURSE NOT!!!(he doesn't by the way) I don't like him and want to discredit him!

Hello, is anyone home?

Lets put it another way, if you stood to gain a great deal (like I don't know becoming the president!) by trying to get everyone to believe your oponent is incapable of leading because he doesn't have the experience, or by saying he is a big fat liar, would you? OF COURSE YOU WOULD!! Now some of you reading this are saying "no I wouldn't", and your probably right, YOU wouldn't, but lets not forget that these men are politicians, try to remember what policitian is in greek. Those of you who have morals and scrupals(look it up) would like to believe that someone out there is going to run for president and that that person is just as moral as the rest of us.

Well too bad, its not gonna happen, not with the two party system we have in place at the moment. I'm not sure if everyone is aware, but it takes a lot of money to campaign for office. Where does the money come from? from donations, from wealthy people, with a lot to lose if the wrong person gets in office. So it really doesn't matter who wins, what really matters is where they got their money to campaign. cause who ever "donated" cash is going to come calling when they get into office. Basically these men had to whore themselves out to get the party nomitnation, and those people are going to be calling in favors. And by the way, thats what they call special interests.

Want proof? well here we go Dick Cheney used to be the vice president for haliburton (look it up) when he left haliburton to run for vice president of the U.S., haliburton gave him 30 million dollars, 30 MILLION DOLLARS!! As sort of a going away present. When we went to war in Iraq guess which company got the contract from our government to deal with rebuilding and cleaning up the oil fields in Iraq? HALIBURTON! There wasn't even any bids sent out! the government sends out bids for everything! and who ever bids the best gets the job!! And just to top off the shit sandwich that is oil, guess who is in charge of our energy policies? The vice president, and he made those decisions with 30 MILLION DOLLARS of oil company money in his pocket! How come none of us took him out the white house lawn and gave him a spanking? When someone does something like that, they deserve a spanking!Again, Hello is anyone fucking home? And I'm sure that most of us are thinking, but Mccain and/or Obama are different! Really? well who do you think they got their party nominations from? From the same group of assholes who gave nominations to the last group of canidates.

same agendas, different lying faces.

Mainly I'm pissed off because I thought this time might be different. The canidates might actually get together and discuss the issues, hash some shit out, try to figure out a way to make our country great again. but no, they just talk shit about each other. Mccain gets up there and talks about how he knows how to catch osama bin laden, just put him in office, and he'll go catch him! Cause I guess he needs the super secret hidden drawer in the desk in the oval office that nicolas cage found in national treasure 2! Or maybe the president has a direct line to batman, or by becoming president you get x-ray vision, and george w. is too stupid to figure out how to work it!

I mean really he knows how to find osama bin laden? Does he realize we have been looking for him for like 6 fucking years! when was he gonna tell us? He's known all along! What the fuck, we went to war with iraq becuase we couldn't find bin laden(along with a host of other reasons)! That makes him part of the problem! (I would type more but a blood vessel in my brain just burst, someone call an ambulance).